quinta-feira, 21 de agosto de 2008

Past Life

Who were you in your past life?

Type in the day, month, and year you were born in your PRESENT life to find out who you were

REINCARNATION, past life evidence

A sick little boy healed after remembering his past life.
For more information about reincarnation documented cases

REINCARNATION, past life evidence, PART 1

Poem On Reincarnation

I died from the mineral and became a plant;
I died from the plant, and reappeared in an animal;
I died from the animal and became a man;
Wherefore then should I fear?
When did I grow less by dying?
Next time I shall die from the man,
That I may grow the wings of angels.
From the angel, too, must I seek advance;
All things shall perish save His face
Once more shall I wing my way above the angels;
I shall become that which entereth not the imaginations.
Then let me become naught, naught, for the harp string crieth unto me,
Verily unto Him do we return...

by Jalai Al-Din


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