terça-feira, 11 de dezembro de 2007

quarta-feira, 5 de dezembro de 2007

A Knock at the Door

A Knock at the Door

When Was The Last Time You...
Had A Conversation With The Moon?
Or Made A Wish On A Falling Star?
Held Hope From A String...
Of Delicate Things?
When Was The Last Time You...
Got Lost... In An Enchanted Wood?
Or Was Kissed By A Prince
Who Turned Into A Frog?
Consulted A Caterpilar?
Or Kidnapped A Myth?
Had A Visit From Your Faery Godmother...
Who Turned Pumpkins...
Into Coaches...
And Wishes Into Wings
When Was The Last Time You...
Cried Lost Tears
Into The Lake Of Longing?
Or Sipped Inspiration
From The Pool Of Wonder?
Or Rose, Victorious, Like A Pheonix...
From The Ashes?
When Did You Last...
Lay Your Head In The Lap Of Awe
And Listen To A Song...
From A Distant Shore...
Called Home?
The Time Is Now
Leap Soar Explore
Remeber Your Dreams
And Unseen Things
Sing With Rapture
And Dance... Dance... Dance
Like A Dervish
And When Imagination Knocks


quinta-feira, 11 de outubro de 2007

Steven The Vegan

Olá, todo mundo!
Bem-vindos ao programa!
Meu nome é Steven
E eu sou um vegan!
Um monte de pessoas me pergunta:
Steven, o que é um vegan?
Essa é fácil!
Um vegan é alguém que não come animais ou produtos de origem animal.
Mas e o frango?
Não, eu não como frango.
E bife?
Eu certamente não como bife!
E presunto?
Se vem de um animal, eu não como!
E se tiver sido cozido por muito tempo mesmo?
Bem, ainda assim vem de um animal
E eu não como animais.
Seja como for, hoje nós vamos fazer um cumberland bread à moda vegan.
Mas o que é um cumberland bread?
Bem, tradicionalmente, o cumberland bread tem um sabor adocicado
que vem do mel.
se você está cozinhando para um vegan
O que nós somos
Você não pode usar mel
Por sorte há muitos substitutos para o mel que você pode...
Espere! Por que não usar o mel?
Porque o mel
Assim como o leite, vem de uma vaca
É um produto de origem animal
E nós estamos cozinhando para um vegan.
Mas os ovos vêm de um animal, e todo mundo come ovos!
Não, nem todos comem ovos!
Eu não como ovos.
Vegans não comem ovos.
E o leite de cabra?
Uma cabra ainda é um animal!
E leite humano?
Próxima pergunta!
E se a pessoa for um "vegetal"?
Próxima pergunta!!!
Ok, digamos que você está preso numa ilha com animais e verduras, qual você...
Eu obviamente comeria as verduras!!!
E se um macaco fizesse um sanduíche para você
você comeria nesse caso?
Se o macaco me fizesse um sanduíche de vegetais
sem queijo e sem maionese
Então sim eu comeria.
E se o macaco morresse enquanto estivesse fazendo o sanduíche?
Já chega!!!

Nós já voltamos!
Que diabo é isso?! Eu não cozinho presunto!!!


quarta-feira, 19 de setembro de 2007

Celtic Blessing

Celtic Blessing or Irish Blessing

This is a traditional hymn based on the the ancient blessing bestowed upon friends and strangers alike down through the centuries.
The Blessing goes as follows:

May the road rise up to meet you
May the wind be always at your back
May the sun shine warm upon your face
May the rain fall soft upon your fields
And until we meet again
May God hold you in the palm of his hand

or in Irish:

Go n-eirigh an bóthar leat
Go mbéadh an ghaoth go brách ag do chúl
Go lonraíodh an ghrían go te ar d'aghaidh
Go dtitfeadh an bháisteach go bog ar do ghoirt
Agus go dtí go mbúailimís le chéile arís
Go gcoinnófeadh Dia i mbos A láimhe thú


segunda-feira, 10 de setembro de 2007

The Ugly Little Duck

The Ugly Little Duck

The country was beautiful. There were woods along the sides of the fields. In the woods there was an old hut and many small rivers. The grass near the rivers was very long. No one ever went there.

One day a duck was sitting on her eggs in these woods. She sat there for a long time and she began to grow unhappy. The other ducks liked to stay in the rivers: they did not want to sit in the long grass near her.

At last the eggs opened and little ducks came out of them.

"Tchick, tchick!" the little ducks said as they put their heads outside the eggs.

"Quack, quack," said the old duck.

Then the little ducks stood up and looked at the grass.

"How big everything is!" they said.

The old duck got up, "I have not got you all." She said, "The largest egg is still here. It is not open. How long will this last? I don't want to sit here all day." Then she sat down again.

Another duck came to see her. "How are you?" she asked.

"This one egg makes me stay here so long!" the old duck said. "It will not open! But look at the others! They are the prettiest little ducks that I have ever seen."

"Let me see the egg which will not open," the other duck said. "Ah, yes! It is big egg. Do not sit on it any longer. Show the other little ones how to go into the river."

"I will sit on it a little longer," the duck said.

The big egg opened at last. "Tchick, tchick," said the little one, and it fell out. But oh! How big and ugly it was! The duck looked at it. "That is a very big duck," she said. "None of the others are at all like it. But it must go into the water, too. I'll put it in now."

The next day the old duck took all the little ducks down to the river. She went into the water. "Quack, quack," she dried, and one little duck after another jumped in. The water went over their heads, but they all came up again. All were there, even the ugly one.

"See how it goes through the water. It is a good little duck: it is my own child," the old duck said. "It is very pretty when you look at it now. Quack, Quack, come with me! I shall show you many things and I shall take you to see all the other ducks. But stay near me, or someone may walk on you. Do not go too near the cat."

So they went to see the other ducks in the garden. There was much noise; the two ducks were having a quarrel about some food.

"Stay near me and speak to the old duck which you see over there. She is the greatest of the ducks here." The duck said to her children.

The little ducks did as they were told. But the other ducks who were in the garden looked at them and said, "Now there are some more ducks: there are too many of us. And look how ugly that one is. We shall send him away."

Then one of the ducks ran to him and bit him.

"Do not touch him," the old duck said. "He is doing nothing to hurt you."

"He is big and ugly, so we will bite him."

"He is not beautiful, but he is a very good child," the old duck told the other ducks. "He is very good in the water, I think he will grow like the others in time. He may even look smaller. He stayed so long in his egg: that is why he is not the same."

But the poor little duck who was the last out of its egg was bitten by the ducks and hens. "It is so big," they all said. The poor little thing did not know what to do: he was very unhappy because he was so ugly.

After the first day he grew more and more unhappy. No one wanted to speak to him or to go near him. Even his brothers and sisters were not kind to him. They said, "I wish the cat would catch you, you ugly duck!" And even the old duck said, "I wish you were far away!"

The ugly little duck ran out of the garden. The little birds in the trees were very afraid. "That is because I am so ugly," the little duck thought. He shut his eyes and ran on. At last he came to a big field where some wild ducks lived. He lay down and stayed all the night there.

In the morning the wild ducks got up and saw the little duck. "Who are you?" they asked. The ugly little duck was very nice to them.

"You are very ugly," the wild ducks said. "But we will still like you if you do not marry any of our children." Poor thing! He never thought of marrying. All he wanted was to sit in the long grass and drink some water.

He stayed there for two days. On the next day two wild geese came.

"You are very ugly but we like you," they said, "will you come with us and be a wild bird?"

Bang! It was the noise made by a gun. The two wild geese fell down dead in the long grass. Bang! It was the noise of a gun again. Many wild geese went up in the sky from the long grass. Bang!

There were many men with guns. They were shooting the wild geese. They were on all sides of the little duck; some were even sitting in the trees. Their dogs ran through the long grass. How afraid the little duck was! He wanted to hide his head so that he could not see. Just then a big dog stood near him. The big dog's mouth opened when he saw the little duck. Then he looked again and went away-without touching the little duck.

"I am glad that I am ugly." said the duck. "I am so ugly that even the dog will not eat me."

And now he lay still: the noise of the shooting could be heard all day. Even at night the poor little duck was afraid to get up. He waited a long time before he looked through the long grass. Then he ran away as quickly as he could.


quarta-feira, 20 de junho de 2007

The Italian Man Who went to Malta.


The Italian man who went to Malta!!!

One day I gonna to Malta to a big hotel, in the morning I go down to eat a breakfast. I tell the waitress that I want two pieces of toast. She brings me only one pieces. I tell her "I wanna two pieces".
She says "Go to the toilet".

I say "you don't understand, I wanna two pieces on my plate".
She says "you better not piss on the plate, you sonnawabitch".
I do not even know the lady and she call me a sonnawabitch.

Later I go to eat at bigger restaurant. The waiter brings me a spoon and a knife but no fork. I tell her "I wanna a fock" and she tella me "everyone wanna fuck". I tella her " you don't understand me... I wanna fork on the table".

She say, "You better not fuck on the table you sonnawabitch. So I go back to my hotel and there is no sheets on the bed.
I call the manager and tell him "I wanna a sheet". He tell me to go the toilet.

I say "you don't understand I wanna a sheet on my bed". He say "You better not shit on the bed, you sonnawabitch.

I go to the check out and the man at the desk says "Peace on you" and O say "Piss on you too, you sonnawabitch." I gonna back to Italy!


quarta-feira, 13 de junho de 2007


The Universe is defined as the summation of all particles and energy that exist and the space-time in which all events occur.




A Grain Of Sand

If starry space no limit knows and sun succeeds to sun, there is no reason to suppose our earth the only one. 'Mid countless constellations cast a million worlds may be, with each a God to bless or blast and steer to destiny.

Just think! A million gods or so to guide each vital stream, with over all to boss the show a Deity supreme. Such magnitudes oppress my mind; from cosmic space it swings; so ultimately glad to find relief in little things.

For look! Within my hollow hand, while round the earth careens, I hold a single grain of sand and wonder what it means. Ah! If I had the eyes to see, and brain to understand, I think life's mystery might be solved in this grain of sand.

"A Grain of Sand," by Robert W. Service (1874-1958).


quinta-feira, 7 de junho de 2007


I am the half sister of the Great king Arthur Pendragon. History claims I am a witch. On this page I would like to show you another side of my personality. I often am characterised as an evil witch, whose only goal is to ruin Arthur's reign. The only one who really understood me is Marion Bradley. Her book, The Mists of Avalon, is a reliable source of information on my family-history. In this book she tells the true story about me and the other women around Arthur.

These women, Igraine (our mother), Morgause (my aunt), Vivian (my aunt and Lady of the Lake) and me, of course, are the main characters in the book.

I am not an evil witch, but a priestess of the Goddess. Being a priestess, I have great knowledge of herbs and magic; I think it is for this reason that people believe I am a witch. It was during my education that faith (or the Goddess?) brought us together.

Merlin took Arthur right after he was born, to have him raised somewhere else, with Count Ector, a loyal servant to Uther. We did not grow up together. I was brought to Avalon at a rather young age to become a priestess. After Arthur was acknowledged as the successor to the throne, he had to pass a test. As a maiden-priestess I was chosen to sleep with the King of Deer, which was Arthur that night. During this night our son Mordred was conceived. I found out Arthur was my brother the next morning; it took Arthur years to figure that out. I was able to keep Mordred's excistance hidden from Arthur for years. Mordred was raised by my aunt Morgause. I finished my education as a priestess and Arthur became King of All Britons. But I did have my influence on Arthur and on how he gained the throne, as well as on how he lost it. I made his sword Excalibur and put a spell on its sheath, so it would protect Arthur from being hurt too much. Excalibur was made of an meteoric metal and means ’cuts steal’. I also took the sheath away from him when he did not keep his promises to the Goddess. In that way you could say I am responsible for Arthur's downfall. I also was the one who held the Holy Grail when it appeared in the King's Hall at Camelot. Some thought I was an angel, some thought I was another kind of vision, the Goddess caused the people not to recognise me. The quest for the Holy Grail (which of course was at Avalon) made the Round Table fall apart and finally it made Arthur's reign disappear.


quarta-feira, 6 de junho de 2007



Merlin Message

You have in your hands the ability to create, shape or mode any reality into being. The very same energy that creates and flows through the entire infinite cosmos, flows through you. It is how you flow this life-giving energy that determines your life experience.

Merlin reveals the secrets to awakening the wizard within you. He guides you into remembering and reclaiming your natural state of magic, that of the master magician you truly are.

Let the magic begin - It all starts within.
